It has been very interesting couple of weeks. Last week I was able to attend a conference in Dallas and before attending, we had to do homework. One of the books we had to read is called "Strengths Finders 2.0", and then take an online test. This book shows you what the strengths are for your personality and how to work in those strengths. We also took a Spiritual gifts test and a personality test.
In attending the conference, I learned that I really want to please people, even in a little silly game that had no right or wrong answers. I need to look deeper into that - why that feeling of not upsetting anyone or making anyone angry. At times it is almost a feeling that if I am not perfect then a person won't like me. This feeling can become very negative as well and I can shut down from people if I feel there is just no way in pleasing them. Yes, I have issues.
I believe my Spiritual gift is Teaching, which when taking this test before, that is what it said as well, but as I heard and read about what that gift involves, it just makes me so tired. So, here again, I need to investigate why I feel so tired about my life.
The personality test was interesting and I believe what it was saying about how God created me, but what it also showed was the strong part of your personality and the weakness and how we can do so many things, but some things we do, when we operate out of our weakness and that tires us out. We then don't perform as well and we can also become frustrated or do things we wouldn't normally do. When we operate in our strengths, it is almost like giving us energy and we are excited about what we are doing.
The sermon on Sunday was, once again, just what I needed. The pastor spoke on the doors that God opens and the doors that He closes. How we need to walk through those doors, even when we feel opposition from others. He related it to a "now" and "then" - if I would have known "then" what I know "now". Where we have felt the nudging of the Lord to go in one direction and yet for some reason we didn't do it. He has a special path for all of us and that is the path I want to be on - the one He has for me!
So, now, putting this all together - awwwwwww that is the question!
I have asked my hubby to give me 2 years with the horses, I feel a nudging from the Lord in a certain direction and I feel I have an open door. So, with that in mind, I am still praying and moving forward in that direction. I will talk more about that later.
I am not one that reads a lot (I need to read more actually), but I just wanted to share this book with you. If you ever have a chance, you should order the book. It has a special code in the back so that you can go online and take a test. So this is a book that you actually have to buy and can't borrow from someone else if you want to take this test. It was very interesting to learn that even though some of us at the conference had the same strengths, how we answered the questions and how we use our strengths was different - all very interesting. The book is "Strengths Finders 2.0" by Tom Rath.
I must admit I have homework from the conference that I still need to do for this book. So I am hoping to catch up on that and have even more information and confirmation about my journey.
Thank you for letting me share! Until next time! Stacy