Friday, June 19, 2009

Charley is very Busy

Well, Charley was not thrilled with sitting on top of the horse feed....

Grandpa came to his rescue!

He really wanted to just rearrange all the rocks that we have in the driveway - Charley loves to play with the rocks!

So, he has to get more!

Lining them up on the horse feed bags! He is so very busy!

Charley and Grandpa Playing Peek-a-Boo

It was so cute to watch them play....

Charley was a little unsure of being in the back of my truck - but he warmed up to the idea before too long...

I love watching Charley's facial expressions!

I guess Grandpa is "dropping some knowledge" on Charley - he sure seems to be listening to him!

Charley can sleep through anything!

Whenever Charley hears the tractor start - he has to be on it! Well, Grandpa was mowing the yard - Charley was with him, then all of the sudden, Charley was asleep!

Guess he was tired from all his "helping" Grandpa!

He sure was hungry after all that work! He went to town eating his spaghetti!

Tara is 23 Years Old

Where has the time gone? I so can't believe Tara is 23!!

She wanted something different for her b-day cake - ice cream! So I found one that is actually called Birthday Cake Ice Cream - she really enjoyed it!

It was fun to have something different! Yep, 23 years old. I am just so glad that I am not aging! HA!