Thursday, February 9, 2012

Breathing - In and Out

My friend, Fonda, sent me a link to a blog that she thought I might like. I read this and was thinking about how we take so much in and how much we process every day.

I see what other women are doing and either feel guilty that I don't do the same thing or maybe what I do won't turn out the same. Silly things that rattle my brain and throw me off course.

In the blog it talks about all that we take in, but we also need to breathe out. We can't do all things, we actually are not created to be able to do all things. We are created for God's purpose and He created each of us individually and unique - like a snow flake.

I remember watching a commercial growing up for a perfume - it was talking about how as a woman we can "bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan and never let you forget your a man" - what did that message say? Woman can do it all! But are we supposed too?

I also found out at the conference that I attended that the Proverbs 31 woman is a collection of all women - not just one woman could do all these things. How God created us to do things within our talents and area of gifting.

So, then the question is - what is my talent and gift? Where does He want me to work? What is the path that He is leading me too?

This is what I am working towards. Knowing truly who I am and why I was created. Yes, I am a child of God, yes, I am a wife, yes, I am a mom and YES, I am a grandma - BUT what does that all mean? How do I fit into His big plan?

Ah, the journey continues! :) Below is the website for the blog...

Once again, thank you for letting me share! On to see what today holds for me and my journey!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you enjoyed the blog post. I, too, forget to breathe out others expectations and feel the suffocation of guilt and the sense of failure that follows. Hope that this journey finds you refreshed and 'not tired'! LOL!
