Friday, November 13, 2009

So do we have to play with everything???

When the rain came a couple of weeks ago it washed away a lot of our dirt. Today, we had dirt delivered - ah - the cows found it! :) Here is Ms March playing "move the dirt" with her head!

Here is T-Bone playing hide and seek behind the dirt pile!

What a cute couple they make - ha! I must say this - these cows keep us laughing - or crying - but mostly laughing!! :)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Fun in Austin

Albert and I went to Austin this weekend to see my cousin, Tim and his family. Here is Evan their youngest!!!

Michelle loves horses just like I do - it is such a blast to be able to talk with her about horse stuff! We want to plan a ride in the Spring. We figure we can ride horses and the guys can ride their motorcycles. Works for me! :)

Here is Meagan, Michelle and Lindsey. We were at their house to celebrate Meagan, she joined the Air Force today! Yeah Meagan!!! We are so proud of her!

Tim, Evan and Albert having fun. Tim made ribs and a pork roast - it was great and we had a blast!!! Next time they will visit us - but I already warned Tim, he will need to bring his chain saw - we still have trees from Ike to cut up! Work party at Last3 Ranch! :)