Monday, March 15, 2010

And now there are 2

Here are the unsuspecting cows. They had no idea what was about to happen.

Here are the cow hands, Albert, Brianne, Brian and Will

This is Sirloin, he was born on the property January 7, 2010. Now this is what Albert and I call him, not what Brianne has named him. He is looking at the trailer and thinking, "No way are you getting me in there!!"
Don't let this picture fool you, it was NOT this easy to get them into the trailer! Josh set up these panels to help guide them in, but it was too out in the open. So he moved the trailer over to the stall area so that we could use the wall as one side. The neighbors came over to help and we all slowly walked and got the cows into position. Then I was in the panel area with them, Will closed the the last panel to lock us in. When they saw that I was in this area with them, they just went into the trailer. We closed them in the trailer and Josh took off to Brianne's. Now that was so much easier than I ever thought! Now that we have no more cows I am really feeling like a cowgirl!
I do hope that we will have 2 little steers on the property at some time in the future, but this morning, I must say, it was amazing to only have 2 horses to feed! No cows mooing at me giving me that look like where is my food - it was quite a different feeling!
Albert and I worked on the property yesterday, we still have more to do where the cows grazed and around the property. The weather is so beautiful right now, we are having a wonderful time working outside. Can't wait to see all the improvements we are going to do! Guess I need to take before and after pictures!


  1. I just told Bri that we should call him Sir Loin! Thanks for getting me in the cow business! It is strange watching them graze in my former " park-like setting"

  2. love the new layout of the page!!!

  3. Please post before and after pictures. I want to be inspired to do something with my yard. I am so ready to do something, but I just don't know what.

    Fonda's Louisiana cousin,
