Tuesday, August 11, 2009

With the Morning comes much Mooing!

Here is our little guy - camera shy I am thinking

We got him from Ruben and he said that he weighs about 300 lbs

I love this photo!

I woke up to the gentle sound of mooing this morning - guess our little guy needs a friend - He paces a lot and I know that he is lonely..... maybe we will get another one soon so there will be 2 - stayed tuned!


  1. why can't you get attached?? I like T-bone! I like cows more than horses

  2. Because I have to sell him and then buy 2 more...

  3. Is he eventually going to be sold for butchering? You can get a girl cow for milk. I don't really know about cows and horses, so my comments might sound dumb. :)
