Charley's first time at Chuck E Cheese. Just think, about 6 years ago both Tara and Tim worked at this location! Charley had a blast! Wouldn't play on the slide, so I had to go with him everywhere to help him with the rides and play the games. It was a lot of fun, but man oh man, wore me OUT!

He wanted to ride the horse once, only once! Ha, wouldn't get back on it. Guess he likes the real ones better!! That is my cowboy!!!

We went with a friend, Ada, my sister, Stefanie, and her son, Baine. Baine had fun on the rides as well. They played air hockey, but what they liked the best was putting the puck in the slot so that it would come back out. It was fun to watch them play together.

Charley also loved this game. You had to press down on the bone to feed this dog. So I helped him push the bone down to put all these balls into the dogs mouth. It was cute watching him play.
This is "Whack a Mole", well, Charley liked to hold the mallet and hit the moles with his hands. That was really funny to watch!
It was a really fun day. I am so glad that Charley wanted to play and ride the rides. Now if I can just get him to play on the slide and in the ball pit, I would have time to sit and recover after running around after him! :)