Charley has his first 4 Wheeler - He is LOVING it! It rained last night, so it was too wet to go outside this morning, maybe when Grandpa comes home from work Charley can show him outside how he can ride!

Yes, he likes driving around the house - but still can't figure out how to turn the wheel and he is too excited looking back at his mom and me to make sure we see him that he runs into things!

Look at him go!
Charley was also my big helper in the kitchen. I wanted him to help me bake a cake. He had fun doing the stirring and mixing. I hope it turns out alright, some of the ingrdients only made it on the counter and not in the bowl. Of course I had him working with flour while wearing a black shirt, let's just say, his shirt was not only black afterwards - ha!
Chef Charley!!
Sweet stuff. I remember Davin always wanted to look back too.