Here is my grandson, Charley. He is almost 11 months old and starting to walk. It is very cute to watch him. He also has new Batman pj's - they even come with a cape! He is such the super hero!
I am married to a wonderful man, Albert, have 3 amazing children, Tara, Tim and Tressa, and the best grandsons, Charley, Cody and Cameron. My job is a blessing, and I love my horses Princess, Baby and Tejas.
Awww! He is a cutie!
ReplyDeleteJust wait...once he starts walking, you will not be able to keep him out of ANYTHING!
ReplyDeleteHe is a cutie! We are having an interesting time keeping him busy! He is such a busy boy!
ReplyDeleteSo cute and getting so big...looks like a little man now and not a baby